Timing spray total request response time

So you wish to measure how much the spray request-response cycle takes; you also wish to add it to your metrics set. You have come to the right place, here is the complex recipe for achieving that. (unfortunately there is no simple recipe it’s going to be damn complex), that’s life with spray, they taste both delicious and bad this is the effect of scala + DSL + reactive + continuations - complex coding at it’s top glory. But in anyway its a good mind bending practice so the neurons won’t die. Note we are using codahale-metrics as our metrics framework.

The routing directive

This is the routing directive we wish to measure

val helloRoute = path(“/hello”) { get { complete(“time this from request to response please (and hello to you!)”) } }

Create metric

val requestResponseTimer = RequestResponseTimedMetric(“spray.request.response.timer”, metricRegistry).time

TimedMetric, warning, magic behind that, we are going to code that class below.

Update code to use the timed metric

val helloRoute = path(“/hello”) { get { requestResponseTimer { complete(“time this from request to response please (and hello to you!)”) } } }

RequestResponseTimedMetric explained

case class TimerMetric(timerName: String, metricRegistry: MetricRegistry) { val time: Directive0 = around { ctx => val timerContext = metricRegistry.timer(timerName).time() val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() (ctx, buildAfter(timerContext, startTime)) }

def buildAfter(timerContext: Timer.Context, startTime: Long): Any => Any = { possibleRsp: Any =>
  possibleRsp match {
    case _ =>
      trace(durationMarker, s"$timerName duration of ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}}")


def around(before: RequestContext => (RequestContext, Any => Any)): Directive0 = mapInnerRoute { inner => ctx => val (ctxForInnerRoute, after) = before(ctx) try inner(ctxForInnerRoute.withRouteResponseMapped(after)) catch { case NonFatal(ex) => after(Failure(ex)) } }

  1. TimedMetric is just a case class which receives the timer name and the metricsRegistry
  2. TimerMetric.time returns a function because it returns a call to around and around is a function from before: RequestContext to the output which is (RequestContext, Any => Any).
  3. Note the output has the RequestContext because you wish to have the request when handling response that would be nice.
  4. Note the output outcome is Any => Any which means it’s just a general function whatever you coded to handle the request.
  5. around then runs before on context then inner then after its a general wrapper.
  6. TimerMetric.time calls the around and as a code block to execute it passes the timer starting and stopping.
  7. So when you called TimerMetric.time you are passing it a block to run because .time runs around and around receives a code block and the code block you are passing to it is the actual code to run. However .time does not only run that code it also creates the actual metrics timer initializes it records the startTime and creates another block to be run the after which is the `buildAfter(timerContext, startTime)
  8. The around knows to run that after code block after the whole run of the code block to run has finishes, by having ctxForInnerRoute.withRouteResponseMapped(after)

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