Akka CheatSheet
Let’s review the main concepts in akka
Step 1: Create ActorSystem
final ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create() // => this is how you start with akka, create an ActorSystem.
The ActorSystem
maintains ThreadPools
and is up until you shut it down! and is a factory for creating actors and managing their lifecycle.
Step 2: Code an actor
public class MyAkkaActor extends AbstractActor { // Our actor class.
public Receive createReceive() {
return receiveBuilder()
.match(DoIt.class, this::onDoIt) // run onDoIt function on DoIt message.
.match(StopDoingIt.class, this.onStopDoingIt)
.build(); // Now we can have reference to the Receive.
Step 3: Instantiate top level topology actor
final Actor myAkkaActor = system.actorOf(Props.create(MyAkkaActor.class), "myAkkaActor");
if your actor needs a child actor use the ActorContext
to create it, this is how we build the actor hierarchy.
Step 5: Code a message
You don’t call methods
on an actor your send it immutable objects
- messages
public static class DoIt {
public final int howManyTimes;
public DoIt(int howManyTimes) {
this.howManyTimes = howManyTimes;
public static class StopDoingIt {}
public static class FasterFaster {}
Step 6: Call an actor with a message
Ordering of messages from same actor is preserved. different sernders can be interleaved.
myAkkaActor.tell(new DoIt(2), ActorRef.noSender()) // noSender sender not important one way communication.
myAkkaActor.tell(new DoIt(1), getSelf()) // sent a message from another actor. can send back message.
Step 7: Send a message back to calling actor
getSender().tell(new DoIt(1), getSelf()) // from within an actor send back message
if no sender, for example message was not sent from an actor message would be sent to deadLetters
. deadLetter
is a special Actor
Step 7: Create child actor
getContext().actorOf(Props.create(MyAkkaActor.class)); // create child actor from within an actor.
getContext().getChildren()[0].tell(new DoThis(1), getSelf()); // tell first child actor to do it!
getContext().parent() // a child actor looking for his famous father actor.
Step 8: Fault tolerance and self healing
By default parent actor restarts it’s children in case of failure but you can change that.
.match(Terminated.class, this::onChildTerminated) // parent actor listening to a bad child terminating.
Akka parts
- Client uses
to send a message to a real actor. ActorRef
delivers the message asynchronously to the real actor.Dispatcher
for that actor notified a message received.Dispatcher
schedules the actor for execution.Actor
while running other messages are queued.Actor
when done can send message back toActorRef
- repeat